Monday, May 16, 2011

sentences expansion

1.The woman loked at her lottery ticket.
The old woman who is my neighboor loked at her last lottery ticket.
2.The boy kicked the ball.
The little boy who is my cousin kicked the black, big ball.
3.The man heard a noise.
The young men who is my boyfriend heard a terrible noise.
4.The movie star made the news again.
The popular movie start who is a great singier announced the bad news again.
5. She ordered the food.
The girl who is my roommade ordered very expensive food from famous restaurant.
6. The pedestrian saw the accident.
 The fat pedestrian who was walking on the sidewalk saw a big accident on Kew Gardens.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

new introduction

  Everyone have a different role to do. Some people have to take care of children and be a breadwinner for the family. Others are obligated to help for old or sick parents. Sometimes parents and children have to reversal their roles. But changing a role with own parents has several diasavantages.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The story from the restaurant

I know from my own experience how difficult is to work at the restaurant. Waiters have to manage to handle problems with customers. Last Saturday I was working at the restaurant. One friendly-looking couple, who just came, started complaining. Those were husband and wife. The husband was such a pain in the neck. The husband screamed that he found a hair in his soup. He called me. I came and asked him what happened. I was trying to resolve the problem and help him as well as I could. He didn't give me a chance. He yelled that his soup was awful and he demanded his money back. I suggested him something else to eat. He was very impolite . He screamed that he didn't want anything else from that restaurant. He called my manager. His wife disassociated with him and was trying to calm down her husband. She ordered to  him to be calm down and just exchange the food. His frustration was ongoing. He didn't want to listen her. He stood up and yelled that I was stupid because I couldn't even help him. He asked me who gave me that job. I was devastated. I told him that I was leaving and he wasn't my customer anymore. I screamed to him goodbye. Right after me, his wife did the same thing. She said that she couldn't take it anymore. She just told him goodbye and left her husband.
Posted by Iwona at 11:07 AM

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Last Friday I was working at the restaurant as a waiter. One couple, who just came, started complaining.The men screamed, "I found hair in my soup!!!Waiter!Waiter!"
I asked him, "What happend Sir?" He screamed, "You are asking me what happend?!What this mean?!I don't want this soup with hair!!!"
I said, "I am so sorry Sir.If you want I can bring you something else insted of soup."
Even though  I was trying to be nice for him, he didnt't give me a chance.He was very rude.He screamed, "I don't want anything else from this restaurant!!!This is your fault!I want to speak with your menager!Imediatelly!!! His wife said, "Honey, calm down!this hair is not big deal. We can order something else."
The man was so furious.He stood up and started yelllin on me, "You are so stupid!you cannot even help me!who gave you this job!!!"
This was too much. I couldn't take it anymore.I told him, "I am leaving and you are no longer my customer!!Goodbye!!!"
Right after me his wife did the same thing.She said, "you embarrassed me at the fron of the whole restaurant because of you soup!Goodbye!!"

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hi!How are you?My name is Iwona Kwiecinska, but you can call me Ivana like Ivana Trump :-)))
I am from Poland.I have two brothers and my whole family live in Poland.I live in Kew Gardens, NYC.In LaGuardia I would like to study nursing, because my mother encouraged me for this major.She is also a nurse and I know that for nurse it is no problem to find a good job.I used to work at the store(I was making sandwitches every day!right now I hated sandwitches!!!) and at the restaurant.I am in USA only 3 years so my English is not to good, especially my grammar.In Poland I finished only high school.I used to leared English in my country but I didn't lear much(unfortunately)In USA I finished ESL at Zoni and CUNY start program.One week ago I started my ESR 098 and I would like finish it as soon as possible(like everybody) and start my college.I really like to learn English and would like improve my English, that's why I am at ESR.Please leave for me comment.
Thank you!!!